Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Download Free Cisco CCNP 642-845 Practice Tests

The 642-845 basics encompass a broad scope of Cisco 642-821 technology and core fundamentals. We provide you the best Exam Cram's latest bootcamps. Now passing the certification is no longer challenge for any one. All these products are very valuable for passing your certification in an effective way. Our clients receive the most reliable and up-to-date information when they decide to take the exam, just contact us. Passing test has never been easier! Your exam will be passed in 3 days after you get started using our service and you will receive your 642-845 score report after we finish your 642-845 exam for you. The question answers are updated after regular intervals so that your knowledge about the exams stay updated and your performance gets hiked up every time.

In a network where traffic policing is implemented, what happens when a packet enters the router and exceeds the set parameters?
  1. Traffic is dropped or sent with a different priority.
  2. Traffic is dropped or sent with an increased priority.
  3. Traffic is dropped or sent with the priority unchanged.
  4. Traffic is sent with a bit set for discard-eligible.

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