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You work as an IT professional in an international corporation named wiikigo. You are experienced in deploying operating system and applications images. And in the company, your major job is to deploy Windows Operating system and troubleshoot everyday issues. Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) is used by the company. There is a client computer for you. After you have Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed on this computer, you make preparation for the image. An image of the client computer needs to be created. Then what action should you perform?
- The imgMgr.exe d command should be run.
- The imgMgr.exe i command should be run.
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You will get 60 days of free exam updates. You can download updated s UPGRADE: MCSD Microsoft .NET Skills to MCPD Enterprise Application Developer: Part 1 sample questions for passing your Microsoft cert and don't need to go for any more 70-652 real answers TS: Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Application Development from Test 2 Exam online simulations takes simply no time and furnishes your concepts with 70-635 simulations online. The self test engine will fully confirm that you have read entire real exam questions of the course and you have truly understood the contents. test questions from Prep Cram will be the most reliable source for a good quality. nuggets include all the tutorials to help you in passing the real exam with good marks. If you prepare for the exam using our just4exams testing engine, we guarantee your success in the first attempt. LearnKey has put together a comprehensive collection of free online engine and this tool is sure to get you through all the tests related to .